Should I obtain independent, qualified real estate advice?
Your financial well being may be determined by decisions based on real estate. Because many thousands and sometimes millions of dollars can ride on a single decision, it is the mission of the professional advisor/appraiser to gather, analyze and clearly communicate vital information.
Some of the reasons why you should obtain independent, qualified advisor/appraiser assistance are:
- To obtain a professional opinion of market value for a property you wish to sell
- To ensure that a purchaser doesn’t pay more for a property than it’s worth. An informed purchaser should place the following clause in a Purchase Agreement “Subject to an appraisal meeting or exceeding the accepted offer.”
- To obtain a qualified opinion of market value for mortgage or lending purposes
- To provide investors with adequate information upon which to base investment decisions
- An expert opinion of market value of a home or other property can be the basis for “just compensation” (as defined by law) in cases where property is to be taken for future public use as in an expropriation
- An appraisal may be utilized as evidence for a municipal assessment appeal
- Matrimonial issues to ensure fair distribution of assets
- Feasibility studies relating to development of land, redevelopment of buildings including market rental/expense analysis
- Rental review /renewal advice and
- Revenue Canada issues relating to Capital Gains, Estates and other issues